Conan Exiles Change Horse Color (2025)

1. Tainted Fodder - Official Conan Exiles Wiki - Fandom

  • Whatever is in this fodder smells unappetizing. However, feeding it to horses seems to change the color of their coats. Nobody seems to know why and nobody ...

  • Whatever is in this fodder smells unappetizing. However, feeding it to horses seems to change the color of their coats. Nobody seems to know why and nobody seems to have considered that feeding strange food to animals might have unintended effects. Sometimes it is better not to ask questions.

Tainted Fodder - Official Conan Exiles Wiki - Fandom

2. The ability to make black and white horses disappeared - Funcom Forums

  • Missing: change | Show results with:change

  • Game mode: Online private Type of issue: Bug Server type: PvE Region: Europe Mods?: None Edition: Steam Bug Description: The ability to make black or white horses has been removed from my crafting menu along with the ability to create the fodder to do so from the alchemy table. All other elements of the dlc, (the armour) are still accessable and the dlc is selected on my steam account. There are no mods running. Installed Mods: None, the game is buggy enough without adding more conflic...

The ability to make black and white horses disappeared - Funcom Forums

3. Horse - Official Conan Exiles Wiki - Fandom

Horse - Official Conan Exiles Wiki - Fandom

4. Horse Armor Color - PlayStation Discussion - Funcom Forums

  • Missing: change | Show results with:change

  • After the recent update I noticed the armor colors for my horses were different. Has anyone had this happen to them? Are we now able to color horse armor? Platform PS4 PvE NA

Horse Armor Color - PlayStation Discussion - Funcom Forums

5. Mounts and Mods and DLC in Conan Exiles | The Ancient Gaming Noob

  • Apr 15, 2024 · Of course, as tends to happen, we pick favorites among ourselves. I renamed one of the horses Burlap, both due to his color and as a bit of a ...

  • As I mentioned in the last post, Potshot managed to find some foals out in the wild and, as all things in the world of Conan Exiles respawn in the exact same location, a very MMORPG aspect of the g…

Mounts and Mods and DLC in Conan Exiles | The Ancient Gaming Noob

6. Saddle Table - Conan Exiles

  • In this case BP_NPC_Mounts_Horse is a parent class for all color variation horses. ... For a horse to switch Current Movement Mode from Walking to Running it ...

  • There are two tables that are ultimately responsible differentiating one mount from another, they are: SaddlesTable and MountMovementRatesTable , everything that differentiates a mount from a regular pet is stored in those tables.

7. Horse changing colors - Red Dead Redemption 2 - Forums

  • Nov 25, 2018 · I have the rose gray and white Arabian and also the Missouri toddler.. after a save these horses will sometimes change color- their coat ...

  • I like a good rampage against the law or Del Lobo and then spend a couple of sessions hunting to restore my honour level. Solo - hunting/hideouts/working on awards. Posse - stranger missions/replay story missions.

Horse changing colors - Red Dead Redemption 2 - Forums

8. 5 Things We Love About Conan: Exiles Mounts (& 5 We Hate)

  • Feb 9, 2020 · We're hoping this problem disappears because we'd love the ability to dye our horse armor and saddle to match our own color scheme. It's ...

  • The Conan: Exiles update "Riders of Hyboria" added mounts to the game. It's great, but it's not perfect. Here are our thoughts, Funcom!

5 Things We Love About Conan: Exiles Mounts (& 5 We Hate)
Conan Exiles Change Horse Color (2025)


How do you level up horses in Conan? ›

Is it possible to level up my horse? In Conan Exiles not only you can level up with more and more game time and experience, but also your horse profits from excursions into the big and barbarian world. If you feed your horse with vines while leveling up, its health points will keep increasing.

What does Yamatai fodder do? ›

Using Yamatai Fodder will cause pets to stop eating and stop producing items in pen if put back in.

Can you ride a black rhino in Conan Exiles? ›

However it must be a basic rhino to have a saddle slot. If it comes out as a white rhino, black rhino or greater rhino you can't ride it.

Can you put horses in animal pen Conan? ›

I noticed you can place a Foal (baby horse) in an Animal Pen as well as in Stables. The difference I noted without starting the taming process is that you can only put one (1) in Stables and five (5) in a basic Animal Pen.

Are there flying mounts in Conan Exiles? ›

Conan Exiles

You can summon a bat demon to carry you with sorcery. There are no flying mounts in the base game. And the bat demon is temporary and somewhat difficult to control.

Who gave Conan a horse? ›

The next day, O'Brien learned that a very large gift from Letterman had arrived. At first, he wondered if it was a car. But then two “cowboys” dropped off a horse named Dave. After O'Brien found a place for the horse to live, he thought about riding him but was told Dave was “crazy” and had thrown people.

What should I feed my horse Conan? ›

Preferred FoodStrengthVitality
Desert Berries+14%
Grey-flower Lupine+14%
Shadespiced Highland Berries+3%+3%
6 more rows

How do you get a ghoul horse? ›

The Ghoul Horse is a Mythical pet in Pet Simulator X. It can be hatched from the Eerie Egg and the Cursed Egg.

Where is foal Conan Exiles? ›

Foals are usually found near bodies of water SPECIFICALLY around grassy areas. You can often find some in areas like the highlands with lakes and stuff.

Where is the baby horse in Conan? ›

In the Exiled Lands, foals spawn in G9/10, somewhere in or near C10, and the large island in K5/6. If you prefer rhino mounts, I know there are some rhino calves in G7, around the little watering hole there. On the Isle of Siptah, its G9/10 and J8/9.

How do you get fodder Conan? ›

You craft the fodder at the cauldron, obviously you've gotten that no problem. Then you go get the pet and put it in your inventory and also put the fodder in your inventory.

How do you get spoiled meat in Conan exiles? ›

Putrid Meat can be harvested from the following creatures:
  1. Bone Guardian.
  2. Forlorn Soul.
  3. Guardian of the Flame.
  4. Keeper of the Light.
  5. Lightwatcher.
  6. Risen Bones.
  7. Rotted Hulk (Siptah)
  8. Skeleton.

How do you get past noxious gas Conan exiles? ›

Description. Noxious Gas comes from green clouds of poisonous spores in the air that can damage the Player Character, their followers and enemies. Wearing a mask or helmet with gas protection will protect the Player and their follower thralls if worn prior to taking damage from noxious gas.


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.