Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (2024)

Detroit, MI Live Traffic Videos

> Cameras Near Me

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (2)

I-75 Detroit @ S of Clark - north

@ S of Clark - north

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.050880, 42.340486] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ E of Woodward - - - north

I-75 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.045326, 42.347959] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ S of Mack - - - - north

I-75 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.044281, 42.342472] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ I-75 - - - - - north

I-375 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.043327, 42.343645] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ M-3 - - - - - - north

I-75 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.075829, 42.358985] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ I-94 - - - - - - - north

M-10 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.071609, 42.361664] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Woodward - - - - - - - - north

I-94 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.045242, 42.334996] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Randolph - - - - - - - - - north

Gratiot Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.056847, 42.364848] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ S of I-94 - - - - - - - - - - north

I-75 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.080917, 42.356531] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Trumbull - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-94 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.080917, 42.356531] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Trumbull - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-94 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.046684, 42.332052] }, "properties": { "title": "

Detroit › South - - - - - - - - - - - - - north


", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.059364, 42.329022] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ S of Michigan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

M-10 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.045647, 42.330688] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Beaubien - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

Jefferson Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.043228, 42.331428] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ E Congress - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

Randolph Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.050362, 42.327471] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Larned W of Washington - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-75 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.057289, 42.368620] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ I-75 Camera 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-94 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.037376, 42.334583] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Larned - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-375 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.037376, 42.334580] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Larned - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-375 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.048439, 42.327945] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Washington - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

Larned Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.044739, 42.328905] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ W Woodward Camera 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

Jefferson Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.045273, 42.328331] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Griswold - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

Jefferson Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.059082, 42.369564] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ N of I-94 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-75 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.051437, 42.326259] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ N of Jefferson NB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

M-10 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.047821, 42.327255] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Jefferson NB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

M-10 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.044258, 42.328676] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Woodward Ave - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

Jefferson Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.041779, 42.329831] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Randolph St - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

Jefferson Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.047729, 42.327139] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Jefferson SB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

M-10 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.051270, 42.326055] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ N of Jefferson SB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

M-10 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.089920, 42.352780] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ E. of I-96 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-94 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.085007, 42.331323] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ I-96 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-75 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.085007, 42.331323] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ I-96 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-75 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.089485, 42.335048] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ M L King Jr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-96 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.096916, 42.345928] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Warren Ave - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-96 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.081238, 42.322782] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Vernor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-75 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.100708, 42.350668] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ I-94 Camera 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-96 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.100708, 42.350668] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ I-94 Camera 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-96 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.080238, 42.320383] }, "properties": { "title": "

Detroit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north


", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.081451, 42.319820] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ S of Vernor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-75 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.081451, 42.319820] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ S of Vernor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-75 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.042580, 42.376260] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ E Grand Blvd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-94 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.063354, 42.380069] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ Clay - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-75 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.105057, 42.348618] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ W of I-96 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-94 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.081886, 42.317508] }, "properties": { "title": "

Detroit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north


", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.036346, 42.317118] }, "properties": { "title": "

Arts District: Goyeau near Park - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

c Arts District

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.036186, 42.316857] }, "properties": { "title": "

c Arts District

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.036362, 42.314937] }, "properties": { "title": "

Windsor: 401 E of Matchette Rd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

401 Windsor

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.034920, 42.314767] }, "properties": { "title": "

goyeau st Windsor

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.034882, 42.314782] }, "properties": { "title": "

Windsor: Wyandotte near Goyeau - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north


", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.032738, 42.315595] }, "properties": { "title": "

Windsor: Wyandotte near McDougall - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north


", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.032555, 42.315525] }, "properties": { "title": "

mcdougall st Windsor

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.028664, 42.317037] }, "properties": { "title": "

Windsor: Wyandotte near Alymer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north


", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.028549, 42.316942] }, "properties": { "title": "


", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.112076, 42.357032] }, "properties": { "title": "

@ W Grand Blvd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north

I-96 Detroit

", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-83.033821, 42.312584] }, "properties": { "title": "

Windsor: Goyeau near Elliot - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - north


", "icon": {"iconUrl": OtherCamAnchor,"iconSize": [27, 45],"iconAnchor": [13, 45],"popupAnchor": [0, 0],"className": "dot" } } } ]};// Set a custom icon on each marker based on feature properties.myLayer.on('layeradd', function(e) { var marker = e.layer, feature = marker.feature; marker.setIcon(L.icon(;});// Add features to the map.myLayer.setGeoJSON(geoJson);

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (3)

Detroit Detroit

Detroit, MI

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (4)

M-10 Detroit @ 8 Mile - north

Detroit, MI
@ 8 Mile - north

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (5)

I-96 Detroit @ Schaefer Hwy 1 - west

Detroit, MI
@ Schaefer Hwy 1 - west

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (6)

I-94 Detroit @ Gratiot - east

Detroit, MI
@ Gratiot - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (7)

I-75 Detroit @ Outer Dr - south

Detroit, MI
@ Outer Dr - south

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (8)

I-96 Detroit @ E of Joy - east

Detroit, MI
@ E of Joy - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (9)

I-375 Detroit @ Larned - South

Detroit, MI
@ Larned - South

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (10)

Detroit Detroit

Detroit, MI

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (11)

I-94 Detroit @ Conner St - east

Detroit, MI
@ Conner St - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (12)

I-94 Detroit @ E_of_I-275 - west

Detroit, MI
@ E_of_I-275 - west

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (13)

I-75 Detroit @ Springwells - north

Detroit, MI
@ Springwells - north

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (14)

I-96 Detroit @ Davison - east

Detroit, MI
@ Davison - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (15)

I-94 Detroit @ E Grand Blvd - West

Detroit, MI
@ E Grand Blvd - West

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (16)

I-375 Detroit @ I-75 - South

Detroit, MI
@ I-75 - South

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (17)

Gratiot Detroit @ Randolph

Detroit, MI
@ Randolph

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (18)

I-94 Detroit @ E of Mt Elliot - east

Detroit, MI
@ E of Mt Elliot - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (19)

I-96 Detroit @ Greenfield - east

Detroit, MI
@ Greenfield - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (20)

M-10 Detroit @ M L King Jr - south

Detroit, MI
@ M L King Jr - south

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (21)

M-10 Detroit @ Jefferson SB - south

Detroit, MI
@ Jefferson SB - south

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (22)

I-94 Detroit @ E of Van Dyke - west

Detroit, MI
@ E of Van Dyke - west

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (23)

I-94 Detroit @ I-75 Camera 2 - east

Detroit, MI
@ I-75 Camera 2 - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (24)

I-94 Detroit @ I-275 2 - East

Detroit, MI
@ I-275 2 - East

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (25)

I-96 Detroit @ M L King Jr - east

Detroit, MI
@ M L King Jr - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (26)

M-10 Detroit @ Wyoming - east

Detroit, MI
@ Wyoming - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (27)

I-75 Detroit @ Dearborn St - north

Detroit, MI
@ Dearborn St - north

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (28)

I-75 Detroit @ Vernor - north

Detroit, MI
@ Vernor - north

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (29)

I-96 Detroit @ M-39 Low - West

Detroit, MI
@ M-39 Low - West

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (30)

M-10 Detroit @ N of Jefferson NB - north

Detroit, MI
@ N of Jefferson NB - north

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (31)

I-75 Detroit @ M-3 - north

Detroit, MI
@ M-3 - north

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (32)

I-94 Detroit @ Trumbull - west

Detroit, MI
@ Trumbull - west

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (33)

Jefferson Detroit @ W Woodward Camera 2 - west

Detroit, MI
@ W Woodward Camera 2 - west

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (34)

I-94 Detroit @ Trumbull - west

Detroit, MI
@ Trumbull - west

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (35)

I-75 Detroit @ I-96 - north

Detroit, MI
@ I-96 - north

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (36)

I-94 Detroit @ Livernois - west

Detroit, MI
@ Livernois - west

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (37)

M-10 Detroit @ S of Michigan - south

Detroit, MI
@ S of Michigan - south

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (38)

I-94 Detroit @ E. of I-96 - east

Detroit, MI
@ E. of I-96 - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (39)

I-96 Detroit @ E of Davison - west

Detroit, MI
@ E of Davison - west

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (40)

Detroit Detroit › South

Detroit, MI
Detroit › South

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (41)

belvidere st Detroit Detroit: Belle Isle

Detroit, MI
Detroit: Belle Isle

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (42)

I-75 Detroit @ N of Schaefer - north

Detroit, MI
@ N of Schaefer - north

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (43)

I-75 Detroit @ S of Vernor - north

Detroit, MI
@ S of Vernor - north

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (44)

I-96 Detroit @ W Grand Blvd - West

Detroit, MI
@ W Grand Blvd - West

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (45)

Randolph Detroit @ E Congress - east

Detroit, MI
@ E Congress - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (46)

I-94 Detroit @ Vernier - east

Detroit, MI
@ Vernier - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (47)

Jefferson Detroit @ Griswold - west

Detroit, MI
@ Griswold - west

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (48)

I-96 Detroit @ E of Evergreen - east

Detroit, MI
@ E of Evergreen - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (49)

Larned Detroit @ Washington - east

Detroit, MI
@ Washington - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (50)

I-75 Detroit @ S of Mack - north

Detroit, MI
@ S of Mack - north

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (51)

I-94 Detroit @ French - east

Detroit, MI
@ French - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (52)

I-275 Detroit @ Northline - North

Detroit, MI
@ Northline - North

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (53)

I-75 Detroit @ Clay - east

Detroit, MI
@ Clay - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (54)

I-94 Detroit @ Cadieux - east

Detroit, MI
@ Cadieux - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (55)

Jefferson Detroit @ Beaubien

Detroit, MI
@ Beaubien

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (56)

M-39 Detroit @ Grand River - north

Detroit, MI
@ Grand River - north

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (57)

M-10 Detroit @ M-8 - north

Detroit, MI
@ M-8 - north

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (58)

Jefferson Detroit @ Woodward Ave - east

Detroit, MI
@ Woodward Ave - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (59)

I-94 Detroit @ Woodward - east

Detroit, MI
@ Woodward - east

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (60)

M-10 Detroit @ N of M-8 - West

Detroit, MI
@ N of M-8 - West

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (61)

I-75 Detroit @ I-96 - north

Detroit, MI
@ I-96 - north

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (62)

M-39 Detroit @ McNichols - south

Detroit, MI
@ McNichols - south

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (63)

I-75 Detroit @ Westminster St - south

Detroit, MI
@ Westminster St - south

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (64)

I-75 Detroit @ S of I-94 - south

Detroit, MI
@ S of I-94 - south

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (65)

M-10 Detroit @ I-94

Detroit, MI
@ I-94

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (66)

Detroit Detroit: ORE22 at - Ranger Station

Detroit, MI
Detroit: ORE22 at - Ranger Station

Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (67)

I-75 Detroit @ E of Woodward - north

Detroit, MI
@ E of Woodward - north

All Michigan Traffic Cams

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Detroit Michigan Traffic Cams (2024)


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Article information

Author: Jerrold Considine

Last Updated:

Views: 6003

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.