Mcoc Immunity Chart July 2022 (2025)

1. Latest immunity infographic — Marvel Contest of Champions

  • Missing: july | Show results with:july

  • Mcoc trucos used to do some good infographics, immunity one was especially helpful. They have stopped now, anyone else picked up the mantle?

2. Champions Immunity List - MCOC Guide

  • We are here with a complete list of Champions immunity. Is my Champion Immune to Bleed, Poison, Incinerate, Shock, Mind Control, Cold Snap, Frost Bite, etc.

  • What champs of Marvel Contest of Champions are immune to Shock, Bleed, Iceman's Cold Snap, Incinerate, Limbo, Void's Intimidating Debuffs, and Mind Control

Champions Immunity List - MCOC Guide

3. MCOC Immunity and Abilities List | August 2024

4. MCoC immunity types and who has it - Pocket Tactics

  • Aug 3, 2022 · In this guide, we explain what Marvel Contest of Champions immunity is, the different types, and which champions have the good fortune of being immune.

  • There’s no such thing as a fair fight, and the MCoC immunity system is proof of that, given some champions have no immunity while others have multiple

MCoC immunity types and who has it - Pocket Tactics

5. List of Champions - Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki - Fandom

  • Teams · The Leader · Patriot · Arcade

  • A Champion is a character that a Summoner uses to defeat opponents. They are acquired through Crystals and the Multiverse Arenas and vary in rarity and strength. Each Champion has a Hero Rating that can be increased by leveling up, ranking up, Mastery points, and in Arenas and Quests through Synergy Bonuses. They also have a set of Basic Attacks that they can share animations of which with other Champions. Each Champion has a Signature Ability that is unlocked from getting a duplicate of that Ch

List of Champions - Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki - Fandom

6. MCOC Tier List September 2024 | Marvel Contest of Champions

  • Anonymous July 31, 2022 at 10:11 AM. Hi Raghu ! Thanx for these lists ... MCOC Immunity and Abilities List | August 2024. May 25, 2017. MCOC Act 7 (Book ...

  • MCOC Tier List September 2024 (Not by Seatin Tier List) will help you to upgrade the best champs in the Marvel Contest of Champions Mobile Game.

MCOC Tier List September 2024 | Marvel Contest of Champions

7. Shock Immunity | Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki - Fandom

  • For more information on Shock Immunity, see Shock. Shock Immunity is a Passive Ability that makes a Champion immune to the effects of Shock.

  • For more information on Shock Immunity, see Shock. Shock Immunity is a Passive Ability that makes a Champion immune to the effects of Shock. Absorbing Man Adam Warlock Ant-Man Cassie Lang Doctor Doom Emma Frost Golden Symbioid Hulkling Ikaris Iron Man (Infamous) Korg Mangog Mole Man Nebula Sandman Scorpion Shocker Shuri Silver Centurion Storm Super-Skrull Terrax Thing Venompool Vulture Dust

Shock Immunity | Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki - Fandom

8. [PDF] 2022/23 priorities and operational planning guidance | NHS England

  • Feb 22, 2022 · To allow sufficient time for the remaining parliamentary stages, a new target date of 1 July 2022 has been agreed for statutory arrangements to ...

9. Champion Buff Schedule & Balancing - Frontline: MCOC

  • Here is the list of expected champion buffs for Marvel Contest of Champions. 1/27/22 – Kabam on Champion Balancing & Buffs 7/21/22 – Champion Attributes and ...

  • Summoners!Here is the list of expected champion buffs for Marvel Contest of Champions. 1/27/22 – Kabam on Champion Balancing & Buffs7/21/22 – Champion Attributes and Rebalancing 202…

Champion Buff Schedule & Balancing - Frontline: MCOC
Mcoc Immunity Chart July 2022 (2025)


Is nebula shock immune? ›

Advanced Robotics provides full Immunity to Bleed, Poison and Shock effects. Nebula begins each fight with 3 indefinite Self-Repair Charges. When she runs out, she will gain another after 10 seconds.

Is CGR poison immune? ›

1, the path that He took had Biohazard and Clapback nodes and He Used CGR throughout the most pf the path wothout getting any poison damage even though CGR is not poison immune.

Who is immune to incinerate MCOc? ›

List of Champions with Incinerate Immunity
  • Absorbing Man.
  • Adam Warlock.
  • Annihilus.
  • Anti-Venom.
  • Apocalypse.
  • Attuma.
  • Black Widow (Claire Voyant)
  • Colossus.

Which MCOC champs are immune to shock? ›

  • Absorbing Man (While in Black Uru Form)
  • Adam Warlock.
  • Ant-Man.
  • Cassie Lang.
  • Doctor Doom.
  • Emma Frost (While in Diamond Form)
  • Hulkling.
  • Ikaris.

Is terrax shock immune? ›

Terrax is immune to Shock and Bleed effects due to his rocky body. Terrax is immune to Power Drain, Power Steal, Power Burn, Power Lock, and Enervate effects from #Metal Champions due to his control over rock and earth.

Is Adam Warlock shock immune? ›

When entering the Stasis Pod, gain an Energy Protection Buff granting Immunity to Shock, Incinerate, Coldsnap, and Frostbite for 60 seconds.

Is absorbing man poison immune mcoc? ›

Abomination (Immortal): Gain 250 Energy Resistance for each Poison effect on himself. Absorbing Man: Gain Immunity to all Poison effects, and Omni-Morph Forms last 3 seconds longer.

Is King Groot poison immune? ›

King Groot isn't immune to poison.

What is hyperion immune to MCOc? ›

Hyperion is immune to poison. With this combination of damage and utility, Hyperion is useful in all areas of the game including questing, Alliance War attack and defense, Alliance Quest and dungeons. Signature Ability: Hyperion's signature ability increases his buff duration.

What are the kindred MCOC immune to? ›

Kindred is a being forged in the flames of hell and feels nothing but contempt. They are Immune to Poison, Incinerate, Heal Block, Infuriate, and Intimidate effects.

Who is immune to falter MCOc? ›

Prowler is Immune to Falter and has 115% Ability Accuracy. Prowler does not benefit from the Collar Tech Mastery. Instead, he gains +93.75 Critical Damage Rating for each rank invested.

What is Archangel immune to in MCOC? ›

Archangel's ability to place bleed and poison was reduced 100% by Civil Warriors but AA is supposed to be immune to ability reduction.

Who is the most powerful character in MCOC? ›

Widely considered one of the strongest playable characters in Marvel Contest of Champions, Hercules is a dominant force.

Is Red Hulk Poison Immune MCOC? ›

Liquid Courage: As Red Hulk automatically shrugs off Poison effects, he gains the Attack boost without the damage.

What is Iceman immune to MCOC? ›

Iceman's Organic Ice form grants him full immunity to all Incinerate, Nova Flame, Bleed, Poison, Coldsnap, and Frostbite effects.

Is Shuri shock immune? ›

Shuri's adaptive technology ensures her Ability Accuracy cannot be altered, and grants her immunity to Shock and Precision effects that are not her own. Shuri cannot land Critical Hits without her personal Precisions.

What is the weakness of Nebula? ›

The Nebula cloud theory couldn't explain a variety of solar systems characteristic, which includes nearly circular and coplanar orbits s of the planets and their motion in the same direction as the sun. The theory fails to explain differences in the density, size, and mass of planets in the solar system.

Is shocker immune to shock? ›

Shocker's custom padded suit grants him Immunity to Shock effects and Concussion Debuffs, and reduces the duration of incoming Stuns by 50%. If the Opponent has the Limber Mastery active, it is removed. Shocker cannot land Critical Hits, but all his attacks reduce the Opponent's Armor Rating by his Critical Rating.

Is hulkling shock immune? ›

Hulkling has a wide variety of Immunities. He is Immune to Poison, Shock, Power Drain, Power Steal, and Power Burn. Additionally, whenever one of these Immunities prevents an effect, Hulkling gains a Shapeshift Charge.


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