Stockton Evening and Sunday Record from Stockton, California (2024)

DATE PAD 5-12-Fire Prevention Week. Oct. 9-East-West Boy Scout Court of Honor, Amblers Club. Oct. 9-Stockton Musical Club Presents Donald Dickson.

Oct. 18-Rainbow Rebekah Chrysanthemum Carnival. Oct. 29-Firefighters' Annual Ball. Business Figures Show Large Increase Over 1940 Banks, Postoffice Also Reveal Big Gain; Air Mail Hops to New High When Chamber of Manager Phil T.

Prather revealed Friday that Stockton's current army and national defense manufacturing pay roll is almost equal to the city's total normal retail and wholesale salary rolls, he wasn't kidding. Business figures compiled today for the month of September fully bear out his report. For' one thing, bank clearings last month not only were the highest for any September, but also eclipsed figures for any month in Stockton history, including the Christmas shopping months of December. BANKS, POSTOFFICE September's clearings amounted to $14,547,003. This is almost 34 per cent higher than the preceding September total of $10,898,107, and passed the city's previous best monthly established more than 14 years ago in January, 1927.

Bank debits and postoffice recepts added further evidence of the city's rise to an unprecedented business peak. debits amounting to $26,031,584, were 27.4 ahead of the $20,432,989 record of the same month a year ago and the highest for any September since 1929. Postal revenues from stamp and money order sales and box rents amounted to $34,203. This was the highest for any September in history and 7 per cent ahead of September, 1940's mark of 962. Increased air mailings helped to swell last month's total 31,780 pieces of air mail passing out of the local postoffice, compared with 21,554 pieces in September, 1940.

ONE EXPLANATION Business leaders attribute a small portion of September's commercial gains to the rush of many citizens to buy certain so-called "luxury" items before higher federal excise taxes became effective last Wednesday. A similar fine showing has been made by the city for the entire first nine months of the year. Bank debits for the period advanced almost 15 per cent over 1940-from $183,067,465 to clearings, per centfrom $92,070,582 to $111,061,108, and postal receipts 5 per centfrom $302,040 a year ago to 147. Werner on War Before Club Impressions and probable significance of current moves in the European conflict will be given by Dr. G.

A. Werner of the College of the Pacific faculty before the Amblers Club tonight. The semiannual election of offi-12 cers will be held. President William J. Burback, Vice-President Jerry Hodgins and Treasurer Lloyd M.

Kroh are unopposed for reelection. Candidates for other offices follow: Recording secretary, Charles Hughes and Earl Williams; social secretary, Lynn Basart and Burleigh Winning; welfare and finance officer, Ulric Hussey, Clem Plecarpo and Paul Smith; at-arms, Millard Cain, Dick Caywood and William R. Zeller. Want to type fast? Practice at Home on the World's Champion ROYAL PORTABLE Has Margin, many "Big Machine" features. Carrying Case, Royal's "Self Teacher" included.

Monthly Payments. Merl Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.

New Portable Models from $84.50. Terms $1.00 per week "NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGES" See and compare all makes here TYPEWRITERS RENTED FOR AS LITTLE 88 $1.50 per month STOCKTON TYPEWRITER CO. 428 E. Market St. Phone 2-8514 Record STOCKTON, SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1941 Wheel Search Ends in Death of Driver Lathrop Man Fatally Injured; 2 Autoists Facing Charges A lost wheel from his car was the indirect cause of the death of Hipolite T.

Tesario, 31, Lathrop, fatally injured last night when struck by auto driven by Miss Virginia Dixie Ironside, 25, San Jose, 114 miles south of Stockton on McKinley Avenue. Tesario's car had thrown a wheel and he was searching in the dark when he apparently stepped into the path of Miss Ironside's car, according to the report of highway patrolmen. The accident occurred at 7 p. m. Tesario died at 9:50 p.

m. in San Joaquin General Hospital. Miss Ironside was not held. LIST OF INJURED Injured in week-end accidents: Robert Spurlock, 28, San Gabriel, fracture of both legs, dislocated shoulder and facial lacerations. S.

Hachiya, 48, Acampo, head laceration. Juan Redap, 61, Isleton, cuts and bruises. Joe Martin, 29, Walnut Grove, cuts and bruises. James P. Darrah, 8, Sargent Road, cuts and bruises.

Elmer E. Smith, 32, 112 Cherokee Lane, Lodi, minor injuries. Lorenzo Asia, 38, Washington and Hunter streets, lacerated cheek. Harry Smith, Huntington Park, cuts and bruises. Mrs.

Edward Asp, Turlock, cuts and bruises. Evelyn Asp, 11, Turlock, cuts and bruises. PEDESTRIAN HURT Reported walking in the middle of a highway lane, Spurlock was struck down last night by a car driven Mrs. Cecil 1 Steed, 122 West Oak Street, Lodi, on Cherokee Lane near Kettleman Lane. He is in Buchanan Hospital, where he regained consciousness this morning.

Injuries were received by Hachiya when his machine and a car driven by Oscar Lammle, 25, 224 Tokay Street, Lodi, collided at Lockeford and California streets in Lodi, Saturday night. Young Darrah, Redap and Martin were hurt when cars driven by Guard C. Darrah, Stockton attorney, and Feliciano S. Mangrobang, 31, Walnut Grove, collided at Mosely and Terminous roads yesterday afternoon. DRIVER FACES CHARGES Smith was arrested on drunken driving and hit-run charges early this morning, five hours after his vehicle was involved in collision with one driven by Jim Harada, 24, Lodi, on Cherokee Lane, just south of Lodi, about 12:30 a.

m. Smith abandoned his car and fled on foot after his auto struck the rear of (Harada's machine, according to Highway Patrolmen Emil Denuit Jr. and John Kennedy, who signed the complaints. He was arrested later in his home by Lodi police. GRESHAM JAILED In jail on a hit-run charge is Guy W.

Gresham, 29, truck driver, who is alleged to have sped away after his truck was involved in a head-on sideswipe collision with a car driven by Asia last night seven miles west of Stockton on Garwood Ferry Road. Asia gave the local sheriff's office the license number and description Gresham's truck and a short wave radio to Contra Costa sheriff's office resulted in Gresham being apprehended near Brentwood. THREE IN HOSPITAL Three persons were in a hospital following a two-car crash miles northof Turlock last night. Drivers of the two cars were Mrs. Asp and Harry W.

Smith, Highway Patrolmen K. W. Olinger and Charles A. Brink, who investigated, said the crash occurred when Mrs. Asp made a left-hand turn in front of Smith, who was traveling south.

The cars sideswiped and Smith's car was turned about by the force of the crash. Smith, Mrs. Asp and her daughter, Evelyn, 11, were taken to Emanuel Hospital in Turlock. MOTORCYCLIST HURT ANTIOCH, Oct. 6- Glen Geddes, 30, Brentwood, is in Merritt Hospital, Oakland, today, suffering a compound fracture of the left arm, and possible internal injuries after his motorcycle and a car driven by John V.

Azevedo, 52, collided on the Antioch-Oakley Highway Saturday morning. Azevedo, according to Highway Patrolman A. C. Hein, was turning into an auto camp when Geddes crashed into him. He was transferred from Antioch Hospital, where he received first aid.

OCEAN CARGO HAVE DOCKED at STOCKTON Since It Opened 1741 1940 1939 1988 SHIPS 1987 the PORT of 1936 1935 1334 Feb. 2, 1983 1938 molasses tanker; LOCOMOTIVE HAS CLOSE CALL AT RIVER BRIDGE VAT AT The locomotive of a St. Louis-bound Chicago starting across 8 bridge that had been opened for and Alton Railroad Midnight Special dangled peril- a freight boat. The engineer managed to stop the ously over the brink of the Chicago River after train without injury to any passenger or crewman. GRADE A BOY SCOUTS HONORED IN CAMPORALL AT BIG TREES Boy Scouts who won Grade Al honors in the Stockton Camporee last spring were honored during the week-end in a camporall at Calaveras Big Trees State Park, with special recognition.

Attending were 168 Scouts and leaders of 13 troops and 22 patrols. William B. Hawkins, executive, was in general charge, with Dr. Jewett Dustin, chairman; Owen Locke, executive officer, and Morris Cleland, assistant, aiding. Special events included a camp fire Saturday night.

James Girardi, 14, son of the caretaker of the grove, told its history. Judge J. A. Smith, San Andreas, recited historical yarns about bandits of the early days in the Mother Lode, mining and other events. Sunday morning 19 Catholic boys attended mass at Murphys.

En route home the Scouts located a fire outside Altaville, reported it to rangers, then helped control the flames. LOCAL SHIPBUILDING HITS PEAK AS NEW OIL BARGE STARTED Start of construction on another all-teel oil barge by the Dravo Corporation placed all three of the city's shipyards on the north bank of Stockton Channel on a full production schedule. today. Dravo has put welders and steamfitters to work building a barge having dimensions of 165 by 35 feet and a carrying capacity of 7500 barrels of oil. It will take about one month to complete and will be used in the national defense program.

TWO MORE BARGES Dravo also has obtained contracts from the Standard Oil Company and the California Transportation Company to build two more steel barges of the type built for the River Lines several months ago. These will be started just as soon as the one now Local Horse Wins in Show at Portland Stake honors were won by Ollie Fields' Kentucky Storm last night at the Pacific International Livestock Exposition in Portland. The event was limited to California exhibitors. The Stockton horse won the $250 stake in the junior fine harness horse division. Local Educators at State Meet Representing the Stockton School Department at the State School Superintendents' convention in Santa Cruz are City Superintendent Ansel Williams and Deputy Superintendent Leo B.

Baisden. Baisden addressed the convention today on "Organizing Supplementary Textbook Programs from the Standpoint of a Large City School System." Oakdale Women to Be Told of Florida OAKDALE OFFICE, STOCKTON RECORD, Oct. 6- "Seeing Florida" be the subject of Mrs. Louis Meyer at a meeting of the Oakdale Women's Club tomorrow afternoon at the Dorada Clubhouse. Mrs.

Junious Smart, president, will be assisted in arrangements by Mrs. W. T. Kerr, Mrs. Homer I Pendergrass and Mrs.

Ira DeLong. TONS HANDLED 119,914 tons 711,027 tons 651,805 tons 614.030 tons 624.183 tons 616.434 tons 511.100 tons 109,546 tons second call. 1741-Castana, Famous Skater to Serve at Rink Jimmy Bourke Will Give Instruction ager Tom Booth today. BOURKE INSTRUCTOR Engagement of a world famous figure skater to serve as professional instructor at the Stockton Ice Rink on West Weber Avenue when it opens, October 15 and 20, was 'announced by Man- The instructor will be Jimmy Bourke, national and international men's figure and special figure skating champion from 1912 through 1917. He was a member of the Orpheum vaudeville skating act of Bourke-Blue and Mack for 12 years, professional at Yosemite Valley for three years, at Sutro Baths, San Francisco, for the last three years.

WORKMEN ARE BUSY Workmen were busy today completing the stuccoing and painting of the outside of the brick rink and laying the miles of water freezing pipes over the big insulated floor. At the same time, city crews are installing barriers along Stockton Channel to protect automobiles parking on the water side of the rink after its opening. To Linden goes the honor of forming the first club to hold regular skating parties at the rink. Fifty persons have joined Chest Figure Increases to $51,442 $6360 Pledged in Report Meeting; Army Men Give Community Chest campaigners surged nearer their goal today, reporting contributions totaling $6360 since Friday at a luncheon session in the Masonic Temple. The day's, figures brought the grand total the campaign for $74.546 to $51,442.

Highlighting the luncheon was the report of contributions from Stockton Field, turned in by Col. Charles D. McAllister. Officers, cadets and others stationed at the field turned in 408 pledge cards totaling $1121. FEDERAL TEAM The contribution sent the federal employes' team, headed by Otto E.

Dietze, over the top. Dietze, also cochairman of the public empioyes' division, reported contributions collected by the team totaled $1446. It's goal was $1000. The day's contributions were broken down as follows: National firms, $825; big gifts, $87; field division, $5448. A.

E. Rembolt, head of the national firms division, and Chest President Harry B. Hoffman presided. Hoffman, analyzing the campaign's status, pointed out that 13,000 pledge cards are still outstanding. GIRLS' SKIT Entertainment consisted of community singing led by Lloyd Juhnke and presentation of a skit by the Sunshine Girls Club of the Salvation Army.

Team captains and chairmen who complete their quotas are receiving football tickets to local games. Harvey Firestone, rubber company executive, will be heard at 5:30 o'clock this afternoon over KWG in a talk on "Mobilization for Human Needs," it was announced. Oakdale OES OAKDALE OFFICE, STOCKTON RECORD, Oct. 6-A business session of Oakdale Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, tomorrow night will open with a 6:45 o'clock potluck supper. Mrs.

Elgin Kersten, worthy matron, is in charge of arrangements. the Linden Monday Night Skaters Club, and the rink is being set aside for the club's use each Monday, between 5:30 and 7:30 o'clock. The club will hold its first regular meeting tonight. Miss Beatrice Moldrup, president, and Miss Theresa Larrieu, secretary-treasurer, predict the club will have a membership of 120 skaters when fully organized. VERIFIED PERFECT On Long EASY TERMS at the Stockton Jewelry Co.

22 2 50c a $1.00 a $1.25 a Week Week Week $2500 $5000 $6250 Smartly styled Diamonds In each of Engagement ring and rings. Engagement these lovely solid gold wedding ring each with ring with genuine diamond. rings. a genuine diamond. Federal Tax Included No Interest or Extra Charges at Stockton's Leading Credit Jewelers Stouttarco Cof CREDIT JEWELERS 440E.

MAIN ST. Lay Away Gifts for Christmas NOW! 13 SCHOOL NEEDS TO BE AIRED Advisory Council Meets Thursday SLUMP STILL IS FELT HERE Fear of Shortage Is Factor Probably influenced by a fear of shortages in some materials, new construction in Stockton went into a slump for the second straight month in September. Embraced in 99 permits granted by City Building Inspector W. A. Curtis were expenditures totaling $104,782.

This was a considerable plunge below the $187,300 contained in 100 permits issued in the same month of 1940. However, in spite of the second successive drop, building still remained far ahead of last year for the first three-quarters of 1941. Construction to date adds up to $2,321,097. This is greater than for any full year since 1927 and 62 per cent ahead of the $1,431,439 recorded in the first nine months of 1940. CITY HAS 1-A RATING Concern over the materials situation need not be felt here from now on due to the action of the last Office of Production Management district, month in placing the Stockton including Lodi and Manteca, in the preferred defense housing class.

The city has been given a 1-A rating, which means that dealers in building materials must furnish all the products necessary to construct a home costing $6000 or less or flat and apartment buildings in which the housing unit will rent for $50 a month or less. To obtain necessary certificates, individuals and contractors planning to build such structures must apply to the office of the Federal Housing Administration at San Francisco. The ratings will be forthcoming within a few days thereafter. NO SERIOUS DELAYS So far there has been no serious delays because of lack of materials in construction of other types of buildings not eligible for priority ratings, Frank Kent, secretary of the Builders Exchange, said today. Effect of the uncertainty last month over materials was definitely reflected in the decline in new housing projects.

Whereas between 20 and 30 private homes have been started here in the foregoing months of the year, only 10 were started in September at a combined cost of $50,125. Other permits granted included 14 for nonresidential structures, of which were detached private garages, costing tions, remodeling and repairs, $37,447, and six electric signs, $1060. Kiwanis Club to Hear Evangelist Speak Stockton Kiwanis Club will be addressed tomorrow noon at Clark Hotel by Dr. Dan 1 Gilbert, evangelist and former Washington newspaperman. Dr.

Gilbert addressed the local club last year. Walter Pitchford will be program chairman. Guard C. Darrah, president, will preside. Former Linden Man Dies in Arizona LINDEN, Oct.

6-Word has been received here of the death in Tucson, September 25, of Walter W. Pfrimmer. Pfrimmer was well known in mining circles. He and his family lived in Linden for over a year, during the time he was superintendent of a mine near Jenny Lind owned by the late W. C.

Thompson, He returned to Tucson two years ago and had been in ill health for some time. He leaves a widow and three children. Emma L. Haddock Dies in Son's Home LODI OFFICE, STOCKTON RECORD, Oct. 6-Mrs.

Emma L. Haddock, 73, who had been living in Stockton with her son, Arthur E. Haddock, years, died there yesterday a heart attack. A native of California, she had lived at Wallace many years. She also leaves a sister, Mrs.

E. Cozby, Farmington. Funeral arrangements will be announced by the Wells Funeral Home. First meeting of the recently organized superintendents' advisory council of the Stockton School Department will be held in the Administration Building Thursday at 3:30 p. m.

The council, representing all deI partments of the school system, has been established to discuss problems of city-wide school interest and to effect more co-ordination between the elementary schools, the high schools and the junior college. MAIN SUBJECT Principal topic will be the study of report cards, passing on of continuous record cards and other information of importance when a pupil goes from elementary to high school or from high school to junior college. Other topics will be improving the reading program from elementary school through high school, and a more effective means of clearing public informa- tion. COUNCIL MEMBERS Members of the advisory council are Superintendent Ansel Williams, Deputy Superintendent Leo B. Baisden, Dwayne Orton, principal of Stockton Junior Colege; W.

Fred Ellis, principal of Stockton High School; Paul R. Bowers, principal of Edison High School; Floyd Love, director vocational education: Ralph Wentz, director of commercial and business education; Miss Yale Libbey, principal of Lincoln School; Harry W. Bessac, president of the Elementary Teachers Association; J. A. Smith, president of the High School Teachers Federation; Miss Carrie Bowman and member of the junior college faculty to be elected.

STREET BIDS TO BE OPENED Sealed bids for installing curbs and sidewalks and paving portions of Arcade, Noble and Ellis streets in the area adjoining Highland Park and Alpine Manor will be opened by the City Council at its weekly meeting tonight. Initial action is slated on the ordinance recommended by City Auditor J. P. Campbell to license and tax private dancing and dramatic schools and their teachers. Final action will be taken on ordinances granting the Pacific Gardens Water Company a recovable permit to install mains in the district and to abandon the heavy truck route on El Dorado Street north of Harding Way.

Mayor L. L. Ventre will conduct the meeting. School District Is Unsettled advisem*nt by the supervisors. TO BUILD NEW BRIDGE The San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors can vouch for the fact that it's difficult to please everybody.

Two petitions were filed with the supervisors at their meeting in the Courthouse this morningone calling for the reopening of the Douglass School District, and one asking that the school district remain closed. DISTRICT SUSPENDED The district was suspended this year when the necessary eight pupils were not available to be registered. Some of the parents in the district made an appeal for a teacher this fall, the requirements being that the teacher have the two children necessary to bring the enrollment up to eight students. The petition this morning did not give any details other than that the necessary eight children in the district were available 1 to attend the school if reopened. The problem was taken under County Engineer Julius Manthey was given an OK to start building a timber bridge over McMullin Lake on the Durham Ferry Road.

Two weeks ago bids were called for construction of the bridge, but today the supervisors declared an emergency existed and ordered Manthey to build it with day labor so it will be available this win. or. The structure will cost approximately $10,000. November 10 was set as the date for a hearing on the formation of a Woodbridge Rural County Fire Protection District. under construction is completed and each will require about a month's work, according to Superintendent E.

J. Beebe. The latter two barges will be 195 feet long. The three will cost approximately $50,000. STEPHENS, COLBERG Meanwhile, the Stephens Brothers and Colberg Brothers yards are progressing almost on schedule with construction of three mine sweepers each for the United States Navy at a combined cost of $2,000,000.

Each yard expects to launch its first ship sometime next week and the second around November 1. The last are slated for completion by December 15. The two yards are employing 225 men. The pay rolls in the three yards are greater than ever seen in local shipyards. FISHERMAN IS DROWNED Falling out of a row boat while fishing, Benito Rodriquez, 50, was drowned in Mokelumne River yesterday afternoon.

The drowning occurred near Camp 15, Bouldin Island, where Rodriquez and his companion, B. F. Martinez, were employed as farm workers. Martinez, who admitted to Sheriff Martin Ansbro and Deputy Coroner Hugh Madden they had been drinking wine and beer, said he dived twice but could not located Rodriquez' body. The officers dragged unsuccessfully several hours for the body yesterday and resumed the search this morning.

Cora Elmer Funeral Slated Tomorrow OFFICE, STOCKTON RECORD. Oct. 6- Funeral servfor Mrs. Cora L. Elmer, 67, who' died in Boise, Thursday, will be held in the chapel of Hale Bawden at 2:30 p.

m. tomorrow. Interment will be in Lodi Cemetery. A native of Jackson, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.

Lyman Lewis, Lodi. She was the mother Moore Elmer Alaska, and Lewis Elmer, Boise, and sister of Mrs. Ella HeusI tis and George Lewis, Lodi..

Stockton Evening and Sunday Record from Stockton, California (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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